Sunday, 12 December 2010

Are subliminal CD's and MP3's safe?

What you feed your mind is very important, and a poorly scripted subliminal recording can do more harm than good. Unfortunately, it is now possible for anyone to purchase subliminal recording software and develop CD's to sell to the general public, and during our research into the subliminal marketplace, we discovered a shocking amount of well-meaning products with really quite horrifying scripts on offer.

Not only that, but certain subliminal software packages even come pre-installed with what can only be described as appalling, and dare we say it, often dangerous scripts for consumers to use in their own recordings. For example, one piece of software features the line, "You will not get Cancer". Now, at first glance that statement may look fine, but when we consider that the Unconscious Mind does not process negatives (i.e. words such as "can't", "not" etc) the line suddenly reads, "You will get Cancer"! As worrying as this may be, it is true, and is just one example of how this technology can do more harm than good when in the hands of an untrained person.

To be completely safe, when buying subliminal CD's and MP3's, make sure they are scripted and recorded by professionally qualified and experienced hypnotherapists.

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