Thursday, 7 October 2010

Do subliminal CD's really work?

Subliminal CD's are high in numbers, but vary greatly in quality and effectiveness. The usual approach of combining various looped affirmations with relaxing sound effects can prove successful in many cases, but only taps into a fraction of what can be achieved with subliminal technology.

The most effective subliminal recordings now utilize advanced hypnotic language, and are professionally scripted and structured to train and convince the listeners mind to make desired changes; an approach which takes careful planning and many hours of development.

Of course, there is still plenty of scientific evidence to show that subliminal technology is effective in itself, and to this day, subliminal messages are commonly played in shops to discourage shoplifting.

Additionally, the use of subliminal messages in advertising is banned in most countries, and there are many thousands of people around the world (including high profile names such as Celine Dion, Tiger Woods and Steven Spielberg) who can vouch for the positive changes that have taken place in their lives after using subliminal recordings. Not only that, but subliminal technology is highly recommended by some of the world's leading self-help gurus, including "The Secret" teachers; Bob Proctor, John Assaraf and Dr Joe Vitale – to name only a few!