Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Perfect Subliminal and Affirmations

Affirmations CAN work! However, to be truly effective, affirmations should be written in the present tense, and ideally, need to be regularly said out loud with a strong positive feeling behind to the words...

The effectiveness of affirmations in subliminal recordings, however, is open for debate. There are, obviously, many factors to consider—for example, the listener's overall responsiveness to subliminal stimuli in general, his or her own beliefs and expectations, and the language and structure of the recorded affirmations.

In our experience, the use of generic good sounding looped affirmations proves itself ineffective in too many cases. For this reason, Perfect Subliminal do not use affirmations in the traditional sense (i.e. 20 or so looped commands embedded within sound effects). Instead, all affirmations are carefully placed within each professionally structured and scripted recording.

To produce our products, real-time clinical hypnotherapy sessions (with both male and female therapists) are recorded, then converted to subliminal frequencies—an approach which proves itself to be much more effective than the usual approach.

Don't take our word for it though, try our free 10 Minute Energy Booster and see for yourself!