Today, I'd like to share with you perhaps the biggest and best-kept secret on how to tap into the power of your unconscious mind. Now of course, if you're already a Perfect Subliminal customer, you're already well underway; but there is something else you can do to further increase your power to create the life you want...
Before I go further though, let us consider that the unconscious mind is solely responsible for sustaining the life of our bodies (taking care of everything from the beating of our hearts to the growth of our hair) and that one of its primary objectives is to protect us from harm; no matter how we choose to live our lives. Think about it for a moment; the unconscious mind continually cares for us, doing
the best it can to cope with the effects of whatever we throw its way (be that in the form of the food we eat, the thoughts we think, or the actions we take) and it does all of this without ever passing judgment upon us.
The unconscious mind, with its mysterious and yet undeniable presence, is certainly our most loyal ally on this journey through life, and if we take the time to acknowledge its service and devotion to us, miraculous things can (and will) start to happen. I have personally seen amazing changes (not just in my own life, but in the lives of many of my clients) resulting from a strengthening of the bond with
the inner mind.
Of course, I'm only scratching the surface here, but hopefully, by now you are wondering what you can do to connect more fully with your unconscious mind. If so, the following four steps will help you do just that:
1) Take time to relax each day. The mind appreciates it when we consciously choose to relax; that is, to at least minimize our thoughts and to physically relax (outside of sleep). Obviously, if you're using our products every day, then you are already taking this step.
2) Thank your unconscious mind from time to time. The next time something good happens in your life, or if you feel more energetic, or clear-minded, praise your unconscious mind by simply saying "thank you". Chances are, it went to great lengths to help you create that positive experience.
3) Ask your unconscious mind to assist you. If you have a task to complete, if you need help with something, or if you're looking for the answer to a question, ask your mind to help you. Remember, your unconscious mind is the only friend you'll ever have who actually does have infinite knowledge!
4) Listen to, and have faith in your mind. Whenever you feel bad, your mind is communicating with you (on an emotional level) to let you know that whatever you're thinking about is not good for you. On the other end of the scale, when you feel good, your mind is saying "yes, do that!" It always pays off to listen to your mind, but we have to listen with our feelings. As it happens, the unconscious mind can also be called the emotional mind, and in fact, the early Greeks used to refer to this part of the mind as the heart; perhaps that sheds new light on the phrase "as you thinketh in your heart."
To create new experiences and conditions in life, we have to begin from the level of mind. Therefore, it makes good sense to nurture and care for ourselves at that level of our being. By building a relationship of friendship and trust with your unconscious mind, you create solid foundations from which to build your life upon.