Friday 8 February 2013

Welcome... the Perfect Subliminal blog! Here you'll find useful articles, hints & tips and the odd dose of good ol' well-being!

You can now download your FREE "10 Minute Energy Booster"; a powerful recording designed to revitalize you whenever you feel a little tired or sluggish. The scientifically proven elements in this recording can enable you to experience the equivalent of several hours' deep, restful sleep in only 10 minutes!!

See for yourself just how effective professionally scripted subliminal hypnosis recordings can be. Simply enter your name and email address in the form to the right and we'll send you the MP3 right you'll regularly get even more life-changing products... FOR FREE!

If you have a moment, feel free to browse the exciting range of Perfect Subliminal CDs and MP3s on our website...

See you there!

Tuesday 26 July 2011

The Natural Process Of Healing

Today, I'd like to share a few thoughts on the so-called "healing response" and
how it relates to the use of Perfect Subliminal products...

A "healing response" as I understand it, can often be an uncomfortable and
somewhat distressing precursor to healing. It is, however, a vital part of the
healing process. The response usually occurs when the body accepts healing
(particularly from an holistic source) and it is always a good sign that things
are on the mend, so to speak.

The problem is, that when symptoms intensify, people often give up; usually due
to the assumption that their chosen healing method isn't working, or for fear
that the condition might even worsen.

We've all heard the phrase "things always get worse before they get better" right?
Well, to my mind, there's a lot of truth to that statement, and for whatever
reason, even nature sees fit to send the trees and flowers into unseen states of
crisis shortly before they blossom and bloom. Similarly, the human body is
programmed to experience crisis (albeit in varying degrees) before it can recover
from illness, and ultimately, achieve perfect health.

As an example, consider the fact that the symptoms of flu (headaches, aching
limbs, nausea, runny nose, cough etc) have very little to do with the actual flu
virus. Instead, the symptoms are merely the body's response to the virus; that is,
the body's "healing response" which must occur before wellness can be attained.

So, will a person experience a "healing response" when using our products to
assist in the healing of an illness or disease? Quite possibly. Every holistic
approach to healing has the capability to bring on such a response, and Perfect
Subliminal products are no exception. The thing to remember, is that healing is a
process, and as such, it cannot be rushed or dictated to. Most medical experts
(and perhaps all leaders in the field of spirituality) would agree that the body
has the capability to restore itself from virtually any condition. After all, the
body is of course designed to heal itself: if it weren't, one little cut would
likely result in unstoppable blood loss, and ultimately, death!

The healing process then, as the naturally occurring phenomena that it is, can
only be hindered by one thing: resistance. This means that whenever we find
ourselves fighting with an unpleasant physical condition, we are ultimately
fighting the body's way of healing itself, and as such, hinder the recovery
process. Therefore, it makes good sense to see symptoms for what they really
are: as signs of signals that tell us help is on the way.

If you ever experience a "healing response" while using a Perfect Subliminal
product, rejoice! This means that your mind is responding to the subliminal
suggestions, the process is underway, and your work is to simply keep listening,
have faith, and allow healing to occur by refusing to resist any symptoms. The
same, of course, applies to emotional and mental issues; so do your best to stay
focused, be confident and remain calm at all times. And remember, it takes much
more energy and effort to feel is your natural state to thrive.

Monday 4 July 2011

Reclaiming Your Conscious Power

I'd like to share with you an experience I had with a client recently. To give you a little background, my client (a woman in her early to mid 40s) had contacted me in desperation. She'd been suffering from severe depression for well over a year, and just before calling me, had started having "flash thoughts" of suicide, as well as hallucinations of deceased relatives. Of course, she had already been to see her doctor, who was quick to prescribe anti-depressants, and therefore, paranoia had also worked its way into this woman's life experience.

Anyway, I took time out of my schedule to book two "emergency" sessions with this lady; both sessions spread over two consecutive days. Initially, my plan was to see if I could intervene using hypnotic suggestion in a somnambulistic trance (that's a very deep state of hypnosis), but after speaking with her for quite some time, it became evident that the majority of my work would have to be done in the conscious realm. What do I mean by that? Well, as a clinical hypnotherapist, it is usually my job to perform change-work by working directly with the unconscious mind; that is, by gently guiding each client into hypnosis and then giving positive, life affirming suggestions to the unconscious mind. However, in this particular case, it became quite clear to me that this woman had to alter her perception of reality to even stand a chance of positive hypnotic suggestions taking effect.

So why am I telling you all of this, and what does it have to do with subliminal messages? Well, it dawned on me just the other day that extra conscious work might be necessary for some of my Perfect Subliminal customers, and because I cannot work with everyone on a one-to-one basis, I felt compelled to write these words...

In a nutshell, if you are using our products to help you overcome any long-standing, serious or deep routed issue, then in addition to reading the "Statement of Intent" before every listening session, I urge you to reclaim your conscious power by spending a little time affirming any (or all) of the following statements to yourself at regular intervals throughout the day:

1) I am ready for positive changes to occur in my life; I am willing to let go of the past and to experience better things.

2) I understand that I create my own reality, and I take full responsibility for the physical reality I am now experiencing.

3) I allow my unconscious mind to make positive changes at a deeper than conscious level, right now

4) I am using [whichever Perfect Subliminal product you are using] to instruct my inner mind to change things for the better. I am happy, and I know that all is well.

By reading these statements regularly, your perception of reality will gradually shift. Once this happens, inner work becomes much easier; meaning that you will experience positive changes much quicker.

As the saying goes: "Prayers are what people do between prayers" and so, be sure to affirm your desires between listening sessions, and success will follow...

And by the way, the lady I mentioned responded well to the work I did with her, and although it's quite obvious that hypnotic suggestion is indeed powerful; I'm convinced that without her conscious effort to switch her perception of reality, the suggestions I gave her inner mind might otherwise have been too weak to change things.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

The Secret To Utilizing Your Inner power

Today, I'd like to share with you perhaps the biggest and best-kept secret on how to tap into the power of your unconscious mind. Now of course, if you're already a Perfect Subliminal customer, you're already well underway; but there is something else you can do to further increase your power to create the life you want...

Before I go further though, let us consider that the unconscious mind is solely responsible for sustaining the life of our bodies (taking care of everything from the beating of our hearts to the growth of our hair) and that one of its primary objectives is to protect us from harm; no matter how we choose to live our lives. Think about it for a moment; the unconscious mind continually cares for us, doing
the best it can to cope with the effects of whatever we throw its way (be that in the form of the food we eat, the thoughts we think, or the actions we take) and it does all of this without ever passing judgment upon us.

The unconscious mind, with its mysterious and yet undeniable presence, is certainly our most loyal ally on this journey through life, and if we take the time to acknowledge its service and devotion to us, miraculous things can (and will) start to happen. I have personally seen amazing changes (not just in my own life, but in the lives of many of my clients) resulting from a strengthening of the bond with
the inner mind.

Of course, I'm only scratching the surface here, but hopefully, by now you are wondering what you can do to connect more fully with your unconscious mind. If so, the following four steps will help you do just that:

1) Take time to relax each day. The mind appreciates it when we consciously choose to relax; that is, to at least minimize our thoughts and to physically relax (outside of sleep). Obviously, if you're using our products every day, then you are already taking this step.

2) Thank your unconscious mind from time to time. The next time something good happens in your life, or if you feel more energetic, or clear-minded, praise your unconscious mind by simply saying "thank you". Chances are, it went to great lengths to help you create that positive experience.

3) Ask your unconscious mind to assist you. If you have a task to complete, if you need help with something, or if you're looking for the answer to a question, ask your mind to help you. Remember, your unconscious mind is the only friend you'll ever have who actually does have infinite knowledge!

4) Listen to, and have faith in your mind. Whenever you feel bad, your mind is communicating with you (on an emotional level) to let you know that whatever you're thinking about is not good for you. On the other end of the scale, when you feel good, your mind is saying "yes, do that!" It always pays off to listen to your mind, but we have to listen with our feelings. As it happens, the unconscious mind can also be called the emotional mind, and in fact, the early Greeks used to refer to this part of the mind as the heart; perhaps that sheds new light on the phrase "as you thinketh in your heart."

To create new experiences and conditions in life, we have to begin from the level of mind. Therefore, it makes good sense to nurture and care for ourselves at that level of our being. By building a relationship of friendship and trust with your unconscious mind, you create solid foundations from which to build your life upon.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

How to Stop Negative Thoughts

As Clinical Hypnotherapists, many of our clients ask us if there's any way to control their thinking—any trick or technique that can help them stop the seemingly uncontrollable and unwanted thoughts which show up throughout the day. To this question, the answer is always the same: YES YES YES!

The plain and simple truth is that it's really quite easy to change our thought patterns—although to be successful, we do need a fair amount of discipline...

One of the best ways, is to consciously tackle each thought head on. In other words, whenever a negative, self-destructive or limiting thought pops up, deal with it forcefully and without any consideration whatsoever.

To do this, you can either replace the negative thought with the exact opposite thought, replace the negative thought with any other positive thought, or simply label the thought as "a negative thought".

At first, this technique can seem quite difficult, but with a little time (and usually within a week or so) those negative thoughts will begin to fade away. When that happens, you'll enjoy a new sense of freedom, and more often than not, wonder why you didn't do it years ago!

Give it a go the next time you're feeling weighed down by unwanted thoughts. Be stubborn with your mind, and refuse to let negative thinking ruin your day.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Perfect Subliminal and Affirmations

Affirmations CAN work! However, to be truly effective, affirmations should be written in the present tense, and ideally, need to be regularly said out loud with a strong positive feeling behind to the words...

The effectiveness of affirmations in subliminal recordings, however, is open for debate. There are, obviously, many factors to consider—for example, the listener's overall responsiveness to subliminal stimuli in general, his or her own beliefs and expectations, and the language and structure of the recorded affirmations.

In our experience, the use of generic good sounding looped affirmations proves itself ineffective in too many cases. For this reason, Perfect Subliminal do not use affirmations in the traditional sense (i.e. 20 or so looped commands embedded within sound effects). Instead, all affirmations are carefully placed within each professionally structured and scripted recording.

To produce our products, real-time clinical hypnotherapy sessions (with both male and female therapists) are recorded, then converted to subliminal frequencies—an approach which proves itself to be much more effective than the usual approach.

Don't take our word for it though, try our free 10 Minute Energy Booster and see for yourself!

Monday 25 April 2011

Subliminal Messages : The Newfound Power Of Structure

It's all very well to assume that repeating subliminal messages to the mind on a regular basis will influence the way a person thinks..but considering that the brain processes billions of pieces of information in every second, how can we be sure that these messages are even noticed, let alone convincing enough to influence our thoughts?

The truth is, we can't, and because some people are more suggestible than others, we must give the brain more reason to latch on to the messages we are feeding it. At Perfect Subliminal, we achieve this through the use of carefully planned structures. Let us explain...

The majority of subliminal recordings consist of direct commands which are looped and mixed with relaxing sound effects. This approach is okay, but the problem lies in assuming that the mind will, without question, act on those messages.

Of course, this is a controversial subject, and we can only share our perspective based on our own experience, research and experimentation with subliminal technology. With that said, we have used subliminal recordings both in our own lives and with our hypnotherapy clients over the past decade, and after much trial and error, we discovered our own unique way of producing highly effective subliminal audios without having to embed several hundred thousand (or even millions) of messages into a recording. We achieve this by including the following key elements:

Correctly structured session/language
as opposed to simply repeating a list of "good sounding" commands

Variation in rhythm and tempo of recorded voices
to arouse the mind's interest and to convey the therapist's sincerity

Male and female voices
to cater for unconscious preference of either gender in this context

Reversed subliminal messages
to engage the creative brain

Stereo scripted recordings
individual content for the left and right sides of the brain

Binaural beats brainwaves
to encourage brain activity similar to that experienced during a hypnosis session

Musical anchors
to engage the emotional mind and encourage further involvement

Subtle variation in sound effects
no two recordings are identical, with subtle differences proving powerful

Supporting intention statements
to link the listeners intention with the intention of each recording

With our products, the structure (which we do not disclose for copyright reasons) is the most powerful element of each recording; which is why we keep this consistent throughout our entire catalogue. For our customers, this means that while using one product, the brain is trained to learn in a certain when moving on to another product, the brain – already familiar with the structure – can learn more easily.

It's important to remember that the mind is not silly, and just because we cannot consciously hear what is being said on a subliminal recording does not mean that we are tricking it into changing us for the better. In fact, many experts believe that it is much easier for the mind to accept a negative suggestion than a positive one – probably due to the fact that most of us have been programmed to think negatively since birth.

What we really ought to do then, is form a kind of alliance with our phenomenal minds, and understand that we are using this technology to simply assist us in making those desired changes a reality. More soon...

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Get Happy Now! Video

Here's a little video we've made for everyone.. It increases serotonin and re-wires your brain for happiness! Use headphones if possible, or simply turn up the volume and enjoy. Feel free to leave comments below :)

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Subliminal CDs vs Subliminal CDs AND Intention

Some people ask us why we're so adamant on our customers reading aloud the pre-written "statement of intent" just before each listening session. Well, there are 3 main reasons, so for ease of reading, we've numbered each one below and added a short explanation for each...

1. Focus is important when we want changes to occur in our lives

It is said that what we focus upon amplifies in our awareness, therefore it is important to focus on our desired outcome as often as possible. To focus on what we want just before entering into a listening session is particularly beneficial due to the fact that we are relaxed and ready to allow the desired changes to happen.

2. Each statement includes important keywords which are referenced in the recording

All of our products are designed to become more and more powerful with each listen. This happens largely because of the carefully structured hidden language and the binaural beats (brainwave frequencies) which are structured to match. Key words and phrases are used in certain places to add power to the structure; key words which when read out loud before listening, make more of an impact on our minds. As research shows, there is much more power in speaking a statement out loud than there is when merely saying the words in our heads – so speak up and really mean what you say!

3. It is important to give your mind permission to act on the subliminal suggestions

Regardless of what we are told about hypnosis and subliminal messages, the fact remains that nothing outside of ourselves can ever have any bearing in our lives, unless we first give our consent. Of course, that consent might occur unwillingly if we choose not to take responsibility for the creation of our days, but anyone who wants to, can choose to take charge and choose what gets into the unconscious mind. Either way, the unconscious mind will act on whatever it is fed, so why not feed it only good things?

To summarize, intention is really the key to success when reprogramming the mind. Where doubt and negative expectation dominates a persons thinking, failure will most likely follow. But where optimism and positivity reign, success is guaranteed.

Keep those questions coming in, but please do check the Perfect Subliminal FAQ Page first.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Are subliminal CD's and MP3's safe?

What you feed your mind is very important, and a poorly scripted subliminal recording can do more harm than good. Unfortunately, it is now possible for anyone to purchase subliminal recording software and develop CD's to sell to the general public, and during our research into the subliminal marketplace, we discovered a shocking amount of well-meaning products with really quite horrifying scripts on offer.

Not only that, but certain subliminal software packages even come pre-installed with what can only be described as appalling, and dare we say it, often dangerous scripts for consumers to use in their own recordings. For example, one piece of software features the line, "You will not get Cancer". Now, at first glance that statement may look fine, but when we consider that the Unconscious Mind does not process negatives (i.e. words such as "can't", "not" etc) the line suddenly reads, "You will get Cancer"! As worrying as this may be, it is true, and is just one example of how this technology can do more harm than good when in the hands of an untrained person.

To be completely safe, when buying subliminal CD's and MP3's, make sure they are scripted and recorded by professionally qualified and experienced hypnotherapists.

Monday 11 October 2010

What is subliminal technology and is it anything like hypnosis?

In the case of subliminal audio, subliminal technology is used to take recorded voices beyond the threshold of human hearing. This technology helps to bypass conscious interference, which is useful should you wish to achieve quick and effective results. As an example of conscious interference, imagine being told that you feel energized and fully alert, while you do in fact feel very tired. Using the reasoning faculty in your conscious mind, you would most likely begin to question the validity of such a statement and soon find yourself mentally at war with what is being suggested. Obviously, you would receive absolutely no benefit from such an experience!

However, if you couldn't hear the words consciously, they would sink straight into your Unconscious Mind without question. The Unconscious Mind (also called the Subconscious) is the most spectacular part of your mind in that it not only sustains the life of your body, but also stores everything from the image you hold of yourself to your beliefs, memories and habits. It has absolutely no ability to reject any idea or suggestion given to it, and as such, can facilitate great change when accessed for therapeutic and self-development purposes.

During hypnosis, the Unconscious Mind is accessed through "trance work" while positive suggestions are used to address certain issues. The real benefit to using subliminal technology is that you do not need to be hypnotized or in a trance state to make dramatic changes in your life. With silent subliminal recordings for example, you are free to simply go about your daily business while saturating your Unconscious Mind with positive statements.

Using subliminal CDs can take a little longer to work than hypnosis, but change can be evident in only a few days if used regularly and consistently.

Saturday 9 October 2010

What is Binaural Beats brainwave technology?

Binaural Beats were first discovered by physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove back in 1839. He discovered that when two different frequencies are sent separately to each ear, the brain picks up the difference between both frequencies and attempts to compensate for the difference.

As a result, the brain creates its own frequency; a Binaural Beat, which is equal to the difference between the two separate frequencies. For example, if a frequency of 110 Hz is played in the left ear, while a frequency of 115 Hz is played in the right ear, the brain will create its own "third" frequency of 5 Hz; the difference between both frequencies.

In short, the brain is able to resonate with that "third" frequency, and in the case of our recordings, is able to access incredible states of learning and deep meditative relaxation.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Do subliminal CD's really work?

Subliminal CD's are high in numbers, but vary greatly in quality and effectiveness. The usual approach of combining various looped affirmations with relaxing sound effects can prove successful in many cases, but only taps into a fraction of what can be achieved with subliminal technology.

The most effective subliminal recordings now utilize advanced hypnotic language, and are professionally scripted and structured to train and convince the listeners mind to make desired changes; an approach which takes careful planning and many hours of development.

Of course, there is still plenty of scientific evidence to show that subliminal technology is effective in itself, and to this day, subliminal messages are commonly played in shops to discourage shoplifting.

Additionally, the use of subliminal messages in advertising is banned in most countries, and there are many thousands of people around the world (including high profile names such as Celine Dion, Tiger Woods and Steven Spielberg) who can vouch for the positive changes that have taken place in their lives after using subliminal recordings. Not only that, but subliminal technology is highly recommended by some of the world's leading self-help gurus, including "The Secret" teachers; Bob Proctor, John Assaraf and Dr Joe Vitale – to name only a few!